O God, whose blessed Son came into the world that he might destroy the works of the devil and make us children of God and heirs of eternal life: Grant that, having this hope, we may purify ourselves as he is pure; that, when he comes again with power and great glory, we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.  (BCP, Collect for Proper 27A)

Readings for Sunday – November 12


Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25
Psalm 78:1-7
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Matthew 25:1-13


November 12– 10:00 - Who’s Who

     Verger – Doug Jenisch; Greeter – Davis; Host – Roy Black; Readers – Joyce Mechling and Rich

     Kremer; Psalm and Prayers – Kristin Wood; Chalice – Pam Hanson and Joan Lawrence-Studebaker;

     Announcements – Rich Kremer; Counters – Carl Hanson and Pete Lepre; Altar Guild – Greg and Bev

     Taylor; Coffee Hour – Tom McCleary; Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan



Scott’s Schedule


     November 13 – Office Hours, 9-12; Bible Study, 7-8:30

     November 14 – Office Hours, 9-12

     November 15 – Leadership Group, 1:30 – 3

     November 17 – Sabbath Day

     November 18 – Sabbath Day


Upcoming Events

Please send event and prayer updates to announcements.spc@gmail.com


              November 12 – MICAH Event

              November 13 – Bible Study

              November 21 – Vestry Meeting

              November 23 – Thanksgiving Day

              November 29 – Advent Taizé

              December 3 – Advent I

              December 3 – Quarterly Meeting

              December 5 – Ladies Christmas Potluck


Calendar Events


November 11 – St. Paul’s Holiday Bazaar

For more information please speak to Kate Townsend.



Friday, November 10 - Holiday Bazaar Setup 

     Please sign up to help us prepare for the Holiday Bazaar. Any time you have between 9 am and

     7pm will be appreciated. Contact Dede Mackie at dmackie671@gmail.com or sign up at St. Paul's

     after October 21st.


Saturday, November 11 - Holiday Bazaar 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 

     Please come to volunteer, shop for your own family and be part of an uplifting church community

     event! Clean up help is needed after the closing time.


November 12 – United Thank Offering Ingathering (UTO) – We are still taking donations to the UTO. Please remember your blue box of change, or a check made out to St, Paul’s (UTO in memo) anytime in November so we can make a joyful noise with our coins. For more information visit: www.episcopalchurch.org/uto For more information about our collection, please contact Jane Davis. Thank you.


November 12 – UVIP Micah Hero Event - We will be honoring and celebrating Jonathan Brennan, our 2017 St. Paul's Micah Hero November 12th. Thank you for supporting Jonathan and UVIP.


November 13 – Bible Study from 7 -8:30 in the parish house. We will be focusing on the readings for November 19 - Judges 4:1-7, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, and Matthew 25:14-30 This is a stand-alone session – no prior experience or involvement is necessary. All are welcome! 


November 20 - Listen Community Dinner - Our next Listen Dinner will be November 20th and meal will be planned and organized by Justin, Becky, Joseph, Morgan, and Madison Barwood.



December 3 - Quarterly Meeting of the Parish – December 3

The Vestry invites you to join us for our next quarterly all-parish meeting:

after the 10am service on Sunday December 3rd


            Our quarterly meetings are a time for us to “take our temperature” and talk about any joys or concerns we may have about our life together.  We would especially like to focus our attention this time on our large fund-raising activities, as preparation for establishing next year’s budget.  How can we think “outside the box” about these events, which build connections among us and which extend those connections to the wider community?  How can we shape our fundraisers to address the community needs God brings to our attention while also taking into account the changing demographic of our parish?  We are a smaller parish that at some points in St. Paul’s history.  We are older and less able to physically do what we have been doing at Bargain Bin for the past few years. 

            Please put on your thinking caps, your prayer shawls, and seek Wisdom about our participation in the furtherance of God’s Kindom.  [‘Kindom’, rather than ‘kingdom’ is one of Pam’s favorite changes suggested in The Inclusive Bible.]



December 5 – Women’s Potluck - There will be a Women’s Christmas pot luck dinner at Judy Barwood's on Tuesday, December 5 starting at 5:30 pm for all women of St. Paul's.  Guests are welcome.  Please let Judy know if you plan to attend at 802-295-2435 or jbarwood@together.net


January 9 - Caring Ministries - our next meeting will be January 9th, 7pm, at the Parish House.


General Announcements


When does worship begin – Worship begins with the Prelude. My understanding of the prelude is that it is a musical offering to God and is part of our morning’s worship. It is not intended to be gathering music but an offering to God. To help us center on this offering, the bell calling us to worship will be rung before the prelude begins. This shift will begin on Sunday, October 22. I am also asking the choir and others to gather for conversation in the parish hall before worship to reduce the noise level in the narthex and sanctuary for those wishing to arrive early and pray in the silence in the sanctuary. Thank you, Scott


Help Wanted - We need a New verger – is it you? – Cindy Patenaude is stepping down from the verger position. At St. Paul’s the verger puts together the schedule of everyone who serves on a Sunday morning, readers, chalice people, etc. If you are detail oriented and like puzzles this is the ministry for you. Please contact Scott if you would like more information or are interested in this vital ministry.  Thanks Cindy for your ministry in this area.


Gift Boxes for Deployed Service Members - I have a Blue Star Mothers’ group that is preparing boxes for deployed service members.   If anyone knows/has a deployed service member who they would like to receive a “gift box”, please send their Rank Name and mailing address to Judi Shank at nanajudi03751@gmail.com. Thank you, Judi Shank.



Episcopal Relief and Development continues to collect donations to hurricane victims and their family. To donate got to www.er-d.org



The Haven’s Top 5 Most Needed Items:  Pasta sauce, cereal, tuna, brown rice, and peanut butter. All items collected at the church are brought to the Haven Food Shelf.



Bible Study - meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 7 PM in the Parish house. Each gathering is totally independent of previous gatherings. No experience necessary. Come and explore the readings for the following Sunday.  All are Welcome.


Knit and Purl Fellowship -meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in Parish House, 6:30 pm. All are welcome and all handcrafts are welcome. If you have questions, please contact Holly Hall or Susan Pillsbury.


Contemplative Prayer and Meditation- Our next prayer time will be November 15th, 5:30 in St. Paul's Sanctuary.  We will not have Wednesday prayer in December because we will have Taizé Wednesday services throughout Advent. Contemplative Prayer will meet again 1st and 3rd Wednesday in January. Parishioners, friends, family, neighbors and others are welcome! For more information, please contact Diana Collins or Holly Hall.


Weston PrioryAnyone can attend services at Weston Priory during the week or weekend. Best to check their web page for times of services and days Brothers are on monthly Sabbath or retreat.  Holly Hall will be going once or twice a month through the summer and you are welcome to join her.                                                 


+ + + + +


St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson, Senior Warden; Greg Taylor, Junior Warden; Bev Barton; Jon Chaffee; Cindy Dale; Holly Hall; Rich Kremer; John Monfette.


Ongoing Reminders

  • Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.
  • Laying on of Hands – On the first Sunday of every month those wishing to receive laying on our hands are invited to gather at the Baptismal Font (just as you entered the church) immediately after you have received communion.
  • Wednesday Morning Group Meeting – every Wednesday 9:30-11:00am -- Anyone is welcome to attend.
  • Worship Team meets – 2nd Thursday of the month in the Parish House at 4pm, all are welcome to attend.
  • Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish House at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.
  • Brookside Nursing Home Church Services – We are currently on summer leave - - Second Sunday of each month (Sept-June) from 2-2:30 pm. If you would like more information about this service, please contact Holly.
  • Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! - Fourth Tuesday of every month at 2 PM.
  • Knit and Purl Fellowship – Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the Parish House, 6:30 PM. Contact Holly for info.
  • Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!
  • St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, after church (and a little of coffee hour!), for discussion and planning.  All are welcome to join us!
  • Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.


Source: https://login.mailchimp.com/?logout=1
AuthorSaint Pauls

Our Next Quarterly Meeting

The Vestry invites you to join us for our next quarterly all-parish meeting:

after the 10am service on Sunday November 5th       

(Remember to turn your clocks back one hour!) 

            Our quarterly meetings are a time for us to “take our temperature” and talk about any joys or concerns we may have about our life together.  We would especially like to focus our attention this time on our large fund-raising activities, as preparation for establishing next year’s budget.  How can we think “outside the box” about these events, which build connections among us and which extend those connections to the wider community?  How can we shape our fundraisers to address the community needs God brings to our attention while also taking into account the changing demographic of our parish?  We are a smaller parish that at some points in St. Paul’s history.  We are older and less able to physically do what we have been doing at Bargain Bin for the past few years. 

            Please put on your thinking caps, your prayer shawls, and seek Wisdom about our participation in the furtherance of God’s Kindom.  [‘Kindom’, rather than ‘kingdom’ is one of Pam’s favorite changes suggested in The Inclusive Bible.]

Source: https://login.mailchimp.com/?logout=1
AuthorSaint Pauls

Announcements for Sunday, October 22

The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

A Celebration of the Gift of Creation


God, whose Spirit moved over the deep at its creation, and whose Son Jesus entered the waters of baptism and hallowed them forever: We thank you for the gift of water, the waters on the surface of the earth, the waters beneath the ground, the water in our atmosphere, and the water in our bodies, and for all that dwells in the waters. Make us mindful of the care of all the

planet’s waters, that they may richly sustain life for us and for those who will come after us; through Jesus Christ, who is the source of living water. Amen.[1]


Readings for Sunday – October 22


Genesis 1:26-31

Matthew 22:15-22


October 22 – 10:00 - Who’s Who

Verger – Holly Hall; Greeter – Penny McClure; Host – David and Christine Davison; Readers – Barb Coulter and Andrew Pillsbury; Psalm and Prayers- Karen Smith; Chalice – Jane Carroll and Joyce Mechling; Announcements – Cindy Dale; Counters – Pete Lepre and Harry Kendrick; Altar Guild – Greg and Bev Taylor; Coffee Hour – Marry Corrigan and Monfettes; Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan




Scott’s Schedule


     October 23 – Monday - Office Hours, 9-10; Bible Study, 7-8:30

     October 24 - Tuesday – Office Hours, 9-12, Vestry, 6:30-8:30

     October 25 – Wednesday Morning Meeting    

     October 27 – Friday – Sabbath Day

     October 28 – Saturday – Sabbath Day


Upcoming Events

Please send event and prayer updates to announcements.spc@gmail.com


              October 21 – The Big Clean

              October 22 – Discovering your Personal Ministry

              October 22 – “Eyes on the Prize”

              October 23 – Bible Study

              October 24 – Vestry Meeting

               October 26 – Aging with Dignity

              November 3-4 – Diocesan Convention

              November 11 – Holiday Bazaar

              November 12 – MICAH Event



When does worhip begin – Worship begins with the Prelude. My understanding of the prelude is that it is a musical offering to God and is part of our morning’s worship. It is not intended to be gathering music but an offering to God. To help us center on this offering, the bell calling us to worship will be rung before the prelude begins. This shift will begin on Sunday, October 22. I am also asking the choir and others to gather for conversation in the parish hall before worship to reduce the noise level in the narthex and sanctuary for those wishing to arrive early and pray in the silence in the sanctuary. Thank you, Scott


MICAH- St. Paul's Church will have an ad in Micah Booklet congratulating Jonathan and all the Micah heroes. We are collecting money toward the cost of the ad. We still need to collect an additional $180. Any amount helps us meet this goal. Ad donations can be given to Holly on Sunday.


Episcopal Relief and Development continues to collect donations to hurricane victims and their family. To donate got to www.er-d.org


Transportation Help Needed

Sylvia French, Pam Hanson’s Mom, has a medical appointment on Friday Nov. 10th at 9:30am in Lebanon.  Pam and Carl will be in Wisconsin for the birth of their 2nd grandchild.  Sylvia can be transported from Harvest Hill to her appointment and back, but it would be great if someone from the parish would be willing to accompany her or meet her at the doctor’s office to be a second pair of ears for her and us, perhaps taking notes.  If you are able to help out, please contact Pam at 603-558-1239 or pamela.r.hanson@comcast.net




October 21 – Let’s Make a Clean Sweep! - Saturday, October 21, 9am-3pm is our day to clean up, spruce up, and beautify St. Paul’s buildings and grounds in preparation for the Holiday Bazaar and the approach of Advent.  There will be something for everyone!  The Vestry hopes you will come and join in for whatever amount of the day you are able.


Rake leaves, prune shrubbery, work in the gardens, wash windows, sweep cobwebs, paint, and help out with a list of minor maintenance chores which Greg Taylor, our Junior Warden, has collected.


We’ll provide chili for lunch.  Please bring a salad, chips or cornbread, or fruit to share if you are able.   Don’t stay away because you don’t have time or energy to make something, or you forget!  St. Paul’s ALWAYS has enough food!


Look for a poster this Sunday with more details on Clean Sweep Tasks and Tools to bring from home.



October 22 – Bud Cedarhom will be at St. Paul’s – Bud will be joining us, preaching, singing and playing his guitar. He is happy to be well on the mend after his early June fall. Mark your calendars today!!



October 22 and beyond - The Concerned About Racial Justice group is presenting a screening of six episodes of the TV series “Eyes on the Prize,” a history of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s.  The screenings will be in the Parish Hall from 4:00 to 5:30 pm on the following Sundays: Oct 22, Oct. 29, and Nov. 5.  They are free and open to the public so please spread the word and invite your friends.  For more information contact anyone in the group or email concernedaboutracialjustice@gmail.com



October 22 is the Next meeting of the "Discovering Your Personal Mission" group  - They will hold three foundational meetings on Oct. 22, and 29 at 11:30 am at the Parish House.  These sessions will present essential information about how to discover, develop, focus and expand the mission that God is calling you to engage in, Additional sessions will be scheduled at the convenience of group members who wish to continue working with the material presented in these three sessions.  The size of the group will be limited to 12 people.  There are still a few spaces available for those that may be interested.  Those who have not yet spoken with Duane Brown about this should contact him by email at revdrb@gmail.com or by phone at 802-369-9961 prior to Oct. 15 to ensure that space and materials are still available.  If interest exceeds 12, another series will be offered at a later date.



October 26 – “Aging With Dignity” Seminars St. Paul’s - LAST CALL TO SIGN-UP BY OCT- 9 - Parish Hall - Thursdays, Oct.12 thru Nov. 16, 4:00 to 5:30pm


Course Outline: (3 remaining sessions)

1.      “Calendar of Seasonal Living”: A fun session to explore some of “life’s opportunities” by season of the year. You’ll be surprised on how much better it is to “live” rather than just surviving!!.

2.      Honoring Care Decisions: A step-by-step planning approach by a DHMC trained facilitator to assist in preparing an Advance Directive, MPOA and important conversations with your family, doctor and providers.

3.      Considering your Family and your Spiritual wishes. An opportunity to discuss with clergy your end of life desires. AND Summary and Wrap-Up: An opportunity to answer questions about any materials and make decisions for future small group meeting.


Refreshments will be available. Please sign up & email to or phone Dick Davis: (603) 640-6009, Email: ra214davis@gmail.com  A cost of $15.00 is for course materials. Cash or checks made out to St. Paul’s



October 26 – Bible Study – from 7 -8:30 in the parish house. We will be focusing on the readings for October 29 - Deuteronomy 34:1-12, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8, and Matthew 22:34-46 This is a stnd alone session – no prior experience or involvement is necessary. All are welcome! 



OCTOBER 29 – DOUG JENISH will be our preacher at both 8 and 10 AM.



November 3 and 4 – Convention of the Episcopal Church in Vermont


November 7 - Caring Ministries Meeting - 7pm at our Parish House


November 11 – St. Paul’s Holiday Bazaar – Look for sing-up sheets in the parish hall. For more information please speak to Kate Townsend.

                                              HOLIDAY BAZAAR SCHEDULE    


Donations for the Holiday Bazaar 

Please drop off any gently used gift items or Christmas decorations by Nov. 4th.


November 4th Help Needed!

After the 10:00 am service help is needed to set up tables and transport Holiday Bazaar items from the Parish House basement to the narthex and Parish Hall. Please join us!


November 8,9,10 Holiday Bazaar Setup 

Please sign up to help us prepare for the Holiday Bazaar. Any time you have between 9 am and 7pm will be appreciated. Contact Dede Mackie at dmackie671@gmail.com or sign up at St. Paul's after October 21st.


November 11  Holiday Bazaar 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 

Please come to volunteer, shop for your own family and be part of an uplifting church community event!

Clean up help is needed after the closing time.



November 12 – UVIP Micah Hero Event - We will be honoring and celebrating Jonathan Brennan, our 2017 St. Paul's Micah Hero November 12th. We are collecting money to pay for an ad that will be printed under Jonathan's bio in Micah booklet everyone gets who comes to the event.  Thank you for supporting UVIP.


November 20 - Listen Community Dinner - Our next Listen Dinner will be November 20th and meal will be planned and organized by Justin, Becky, Joseph, Morgan, and Madison Barwood.




The Haven’s TOP 5 MOST NEEDED iTEM:  Pasta sauce, cereal, tuna, brown rice, and peanut butter. All items collected at the church are brought to the Haven Food Shelf.



Bible Study - meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 7 PM in the Parish house. Each gathering is totally independent of previous gatherings. No experience necessary. Come and explore the readings for the following Sunday.  All are Welcome.


Knit and Purl Fellowship -meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in Parish House, 6:30 pm. All are welcome and all handcrafts are welcome. If you have questions, please contact Holly Hall or Susan Pillsbury.


Contemplative Prayer and Meditation - is a quiet hour of peace to connect with self and with God as you are filled with inner peace and strength for the days ahead. Contemplative Prayer is the 1st and 3rd

 Wednesday of the month, 5:30-6:30. Parishioners, friends, family, neighbors and others are welcome! For more information, please contact Diana Collins or Holly Hall.


Weston PrioryAnyone can attend services at Weston Priory during the week or weekend. Best to check their web page for times of services and days Brothers are on monthly Sabbath or retreat.  Holly Hall will be going once or twice a month through the summer and you are welcome to join her.                                                  


+ + + + +


St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson, Senior Warden; Greg Taylor, Junior Warden; Bev Barton; Jon Chaffee; Cindy Dale; Holly Hall; Rich Kremer; John Monfette.


Ongoing Reminders

  • Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.
  • Laying on of Hands – On the first Sunday of every month those wishing to receive laying on our hands are invited to gather at the Baptismal Font (just as you entered the church) immediately after you have received communion.
  • Wednesday Morning Group Meeting – every Wednesday 9:30-11:00am -- Anyone is welcome to attend.
  • Worship Team meets – 2nd Thursday of the month in the Parish House at 4pm, all are welcome to attend.
  • Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish House at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.
  • Brookside Nursing Home Church Services – We are currently on summer leave - - Second Sunday of each month (Sept-June) from 2-2:30 pm. If you would like more information about this service, please contact Holly.
  • Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! - Fourth Tuesday of every month at 2 PM.
  • Knit and Purl Fellowship – Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the Parish House, 6:30 PM. Contact Holly for info.
  • Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!
  • St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, after church (and a little of coffee hour!), for discussion and planning.  All are welcome to join us!
  • Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.


[1] Taken from, “A Rogation Day Procession and Liturgy,” Report of the 77th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, July 5-12, 2012, Standing Committee on Liturgy and Music, Liturgical Materials Honoring God in Creation and Various Rites and Prayers for Animals, Propers Honoring God in Creation, p. 333. Adapted.

Source: https://login.mailchimp.com/?logout=1
AuthorSaint Pauls



The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost – September 24, 2017

Proper 20A


Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (The Collect for Proper 20, BCP)


Readings for Sunday – September 24


Exodus 16:2-15
Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45
Philippians 1:21-30
Matthew 20:1-16


September 24– 10:00 - Who’s Who

Verger – Holly Hall; Greeter – Davis; Host – Stew Wood; Readers – Carl Hanson and Elizabeth Higgins; Psalm and Prayers- Andrew Pillsbury; Chalice – Jane Carroll and Joyce Mechling; Announcements – Pam Hanson; Counters – Pam Hanson and Greg Taylor; Altar Guild – Barb Coulter, Christine Davison, Barb Lather and Colleen Warren; Coffee Hour – Barwoods; Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan






Scott’s Schedule


     September 25 - Monday – Office Hours, 9-10, Bible Study, 7 PM

     September 26 - Tuesday – Office Hours, 9-12, Valley Terrace Worship, 2 PM

     September 27 – Clergy Training – Veterans – all day

     September 29 – Friday – Sabbath Day

     September 30 – Saturday


Upcoming Events

Please send event and prayer updates to announcements.spc@gmail.com



              September 24 – ‘Eye on the Prize’ Discussion

              October 12 – Ageing with Dignity Seminar

              October 15 - "Discovering Your Personal Mission" group

              October 21 – The Big Clean Out

              November 11 – Holiday Bazaar

              November 12 – MICAH Event



You are all invited to a non-denominational service for Jill Fischer's mother, Dorothy Fischer, on Saturday, September 23rd, at 3:00 pm in the Dwinell Room of Harvest Hill Assisted Living (23 Alice Peck Day Drive, Lebanon, NH).


Your comforting presence would be appreciated by Jill and Jeff!




Vestry Summary from 8.15.17 meeting

- Members of the Vestry present were Pam Hanson, Cindy Dale, Beverly Barton and Greg Taylor.  As there was not a quorum this writing is a summary of the discussions held.  No motions or votes were made.


Office Computer Purchase – We were going to ask Chuck Nagle to made recommendations and a cost estimate for

     a new office computer.  

Further work was to be done to define the tasks of the Office Assistant.

Parish retreat planning was reviewed.

Welcome Back Sunday was discussed.   Small Group leaders are to provide information for their particular groups.   Invitations will go out inviting parishioners to put forth ideas for other small groups and if they meet the criteria we

     can assist in getting them started.



Transportation Help Needed

Sylvia French, Pam Hanson’s Mom, has a medical appointment on Friday Nov. 10th at 9:30am in Lebanon.  Pam and Carl will be in Wisconsin for the birth of their 2nd grandchild.  Sylvia can be transported from Harvest Hill to her appointment and back, but it would be great if someone from the parish would be willing to accompany her or meet her at the doctor’s office to be a second pair of ears for her and us, perhaps taking notes.  If you are able to help out, please contact Pam at603-558-1239 or pamela.r.hanson@comcast.net


September 24 and beyond - The Concerned About Racial Justice group is presenting a screening of six episodes of the TV series “Eyes on the Prize,” a history of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s.  The screenings will be in the Parish Hall from 4:00 to 5:30 pm on the following Sundays: Sept 24, Oct 1, Oct 15, Oct 22, Oct. 29, and Nov. 5.  They are free and open to the public so please spread the word and invite your friends.  For more information contact anyone in the group or email concernedaboutracialjustice@gmail.com


October 12 – Tools for “Aging With Dignity” Seminars -  “Living Thankfully” - THURSDAYS at 4:00PM – 5:50PM, October 12 -November 16. The classes are limited to approximately 18 with a minimum of 8. Couples are encouraged to attend. To REGISTER: email or phone Dick Davis: (603) 640-6009, Email: ra214davis@gmail.com  Cost for materials is $15.00/participant. Couples registered may wish to share one set of materials.  Checks made out to St. Paul’s Church, with “Aging with Dignity Class” in memo line.


October 15 is the first meeting of the "Discovering Your Personal Mission" group  - They will hold three foundational meetings on Oct. 15, 22, and 29 at 11:30 am at the Parish House.  These sessions will present essential information about how to discover, develop, focus and expand the mission that God is calling you to engage in, Additional sessions will be scheduled at the convenience of group members who wish to continue working with the material presented in these three sessions.  The size of the group will be limited to 12 people.  There are still a few spaces available for those that may be interested.  Those who have not yet spoken with Duane Brown about this should contact him by email at revdrb@gmail.com or by phone at 802-369-9961 prior to Oct. 15 to ensure that space and materials are still available.  If interest exceeds 12, another series will be offered at a later date.


October 21 – The Big Clean Out - a day set aside to do a fall cleanup in and around our buildings. Mark your calendar today. More details to follow.


Listen Community Dinner - A big thank you to everyone who prepared food and volunteered at the September 18th Listen Community Dinner. We served 87 people who had opportunity to have 1st, 2nd and take-home meals. All the food was eaten and thoroughly enjoyed! Our last Listen Community Dinner of 2017 will be November 20th.  Thanks again, Holly Hall


Jonathan Brennan Named St. Paul’s 2017 Micah Hero. After collecting nominations from the parish, the vestry voted to name Jonathan Brennan St. Paul’s Micah Hero. Congratulations Jonathan!


Micah Tickets for the November 12, 2017 UVIP Micah Event in Claremont are now available - Tickets to UVIP’s (United Valley Interfaith Project) Micah Event on November 12th are available for sale from September 16th through the end of October. St. Paul's has 16 tickets to sell and each ticket is $30. Holly Hall will be selling the tickets. The Micah Event is an opportunity to congratulate Jonathan Brennen and to celebrate with him and all the other Micah Hero in our area. 



We are finally ready to hire office help – At our Annual Meeting in January, we voted to hire a part-time office person. If you know anyone, outside the parish, looking for part-time work (about 10 hours per week,) please let Pam Hanson or Scott Neal know. Thank you.017


Haven News


September is Hunger Action Month at the Upper Valley Haven – Any monetary gifts to the Haven during the month of September will be matched 100% so you effectively double your money and benefit the Haven. For more information about Hunger Action Month go to https://uppervalleyhaven.org/hunger-action-month-sept-2017/


The Haven’s TOP 5 MOST NEEDED iTEM: Peanut butter, pasta, cooking oil, sliced bread and oatmeal. All items collected at the church are brought to the Haven Food Shelf.



Knit and Purl Fellowship -meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in Parish House, 6:30 pm. All are welcome and all handcrafts are welcome. If you have questions, please contact Holly Hall or Susan Pillsbury.


Contemplative Prayer and Meditation - is a quiet hour of peace to connect with self and with God as you are filled with inner peace and strength for the days ahead. Contemplative Prayer is the 1st and 3rd

 Wednesday of the month, 5:30-6:30. Parishioners, friends, family, neighbors and others are welcome! For more information, please contact Diana Collins or Holly Hall.


Welcome Name Buttons - Currently Paula Stevens and Holly Hall are making the Name Buttons for our parishioners. If you have lost your Button or if you are coming to St. Paul's services and do not have a Button, please let Paula or Holly know and they will make one for you. Please let them know something special you enjoy doing and the image will be part of your Name Button.


Weston PrioryAnyone can attend services at Weston Priory during the week or weekend. Best to check their web page for times of services and days Brothers are on monthly Sabbath or retreat.  Holly Hall will be going once or twice a month through the summer and you are welcome to join her.                                                  


+ + + + +


St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson, Senior Warden; Greg Taylor, Junior Warden; Bev Barton; Jon Chaffee; Cindy Dale; Holly Hall; Rich Kremer; John Monfette.



Ongoing Reminders

  • Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.
  • Laying on of Hands – On the first Sunday of every month those wishing to receive laying on our hands are invited to gather at the Baptismal Font (just as you entered the church) immediately after you have received communion.
  • Wednesday Morning Group Meeting – every Wednesday 9:30-11:00am -- Anyone is welcome to attend.
  • Worship Team meets – 2nd Thursday of the month in the Parish House at 4pm, all are welcome to attend.
  • Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish House at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.
  • Brookside Nursing Home Church Services – We are currently on summer leave - - Second Sunday of each month (Sept-June) from 2-2:30 pm. If you would like more information about this service, please contact Holly.
  • Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! - Fourth Tuesday of every month at 2 PM.
  • Knit and Purl Fellowship – Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the Parish House, 6:30 PM. Contact Holly for info.
  • Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!
  • St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, after church (and a little of coffee hour!), for discussion and planning.  All are welcome to join us!
  • Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.
Source: https://us8.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/...
AuthorSaint Pauls

September 10 we return to our regular worship schedule of 8 AM and 10 AM. Also this week we will have breakfast together at 9. At the 10 AM we will be blessing backpacks and other items we need to do ministry in the world. All are welcome to attend all or part of Sunday at St. Paul's.



The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost – September 10, 2017

Proper 18A


Grant us, O Lord, to trust in you with all our hearts; for, as you always resist the proud who confide in their own strength, so you never forsake those who make their boast of your mercy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.  (The Collect for Proper 18, BCP)


Readings for Sunday – September 10


Exodus 12:1-14
Psalm 149
Romans 13:8-14
Matthew 18:15-20



September 10 – 9:00 - Who’s Who

Greeter – Penny McClure; Host – The Brennans; Readers – Bruce and Barbara Lather; Psalm and Prayers- Bev Barton; Chalice – Doug Jenisch and Joan Lawrence-Studebaker; Announcements –John Monfette; Counters – Kate Conner and Carl Hanson; Altar Guild – Barb Coulter, Christine Davison, Barb Lather and Colleen Warren; Verger – Doug Jenisch; Coffee Hour – Welcome Back Breakfast; Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan


Scott’s Schedule


     September 11 - Monday – Office Hours, 9-12, Bible Study, 7-8:30 pm

     September 12 - Tuesday – Office Hours, 9-12

     September 13 – Wednesday Morning Group, 9:30-11 am

     September 14 – Thursday – Worship Committee Meeting – 4-5:30 pm

     September 15 – Friday – Sabbath Day

     September 16 – Saturday – Sabbath Day


Upcoming Events

Please send event and prayer updates to announcements.spc@gmail.com


              September 10 – Return to regular worship schedule 8 and 10 AM

              September 10 – Welcome Home Sunday

              September 10 – Concerned about Racial Justice Meeting

              September 11 – Bible Study

              September 14 – Worship Committee Meeting

              September 16 – All Parish Retreat at Camp Coniston

              September 19 – Vestry Meeting

              September 24 – Eye on the Prize Discussion

              November 12 – MICAH Event


 Sunday - September 10

 8:00 AM - Scripture and Holy Communion, quiet and contemplative

9:00 AM - Our Annual Welcome Back Breakfast

10:00 AM - Scripture and Holy Communion with hymns and music



There is a lot of information contained within this email – There are many additions and updates. Please read these announcements carefully!  Thanks, Scott


September 10 - Backpack and symbols of our daily living Blessing– Remember to bring your backpack, calendars, keys, Prayer Books, Bible etc. to receive a blessing as we begin another year of life and ministry in our community.


September 10 – Commissioning of the new Small Group Facilitators at the 10 AM worship.


September 10 – Concerned about Racial Justice Meeting in the Parish House following the 10 AM worship. All are invited.


September 10 – Brookside Worship resumes - 2-2:30. Worship at Brookside Nursing Home is held on the second Sunday of the Month, 2-2:30pm. Volunteers are invited to come at 1:45 to assist residents to the service.  David Thron plays the piano and supports our hymn singing. We welcome anyone interested in this ministry. More Information - speak with Scott, Cindy Cameron or Holly Hall.


September 11 – Bible Study, 7 – 8:30 PM in the Parish House – all are welcome. This is a fun group filled with sharing of personal stories and lots of laughter. We will be focusing on Exodus 14:19-31,  Romans 14:1-12, and Matthew 18:21-35. Each meeting is a self-contained unit and everyone is welcome!


September 14 – Worship committee meeting – 4 - 5:30 PM in the Parish House – all are welcome!!


September 16 – All Parish Retreat - Our parish retreat is just around the corner.  Please set aside Saturday, September 16th for a day of fellowship, fun, and renewal.  This year’s theme is “Beloved Community: Generous Presence.” There is a sign-up sheet for the retreat on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall. For more information, please speak with Bev Barton. More information can be found on a bulletin insert.


September 18 - Listen Community Dinner (LCD) - Thank you to all those who have signed up to help serve 110 meals on 9/18.  We still need 8 more casseroles, (one casserole equals ten servings), and 5 more pans of homemade brownies, (one pan equals ten brownies).  The sign-up sheet is on Parish Hall bulletin. My hope is that the Listen Community Dinner sign-up sheet is completed at our September 10th Welcome Back Sunday services and breakfast.  If you have questions about the dinner, please contact Holly Hall. Our last Listen Community Dinner in 2017 will be on November 20th.



We are finally ready to hire office help – At our Annual Meeting in January, we voted to hire a part-time office person. If you know anyone, outside the parish, looking for part-time work (about 10 hours per week,) please let Pam Hanson or Scott Neal know. Thank you.


Haven News

 September is Hunger Action Month at the Upper Valley Haven – Any monetary gifts to the Haven during the month of September will be matched 100% so you effectively double your money and benefit the Haven. For more information about Hunger Action Month go to https://uppervalleyhaven.org/hunger-action-month-sept-2017/

 THE HAVEN'S TOP 5 MOST NEEDED ITEMS: Soup, Canned beans, Tuna, Cereal and Pasta Sauce. All items collected at the church are brought to the Haven Food Shelf.



AGING WITH DIGNITY – Facilitators Training - UVIP (United Valley Interfaith Project) is scheduling a set of (5) Facilitator Training classes for "AGING WITH DIGNITY" beginning on Thursdays, October 19 at 10AM to Noon at the Upper Valley Senior Center. If you might be interested and want more information please contact Dick Davis (ra214davis@gmail.com) or call (603) 640-6009.


Our beautiful parking lot – thank you to Greg Taylor our Junior Warden for arranging to have our parking lot resurfaced and lined. Thanks also to the Haven for paying half the cost as they share our lot.


Outreach Committee Distributions for the 1st and 2nd Quarters of 2017: The amount disbursed is based on 10% of the income for that quarter. The 1st Quarter – LAMB $240.00; India $$240.00; Camp Agape $500.00; Advance Transit $500.00; GNHC $200.00 and UVIP $750.00. The 2nd Quarter – LAMB - $240.00; India - $240.00; Rock Point Partnership $ 1500.00; Dismas House $500.00; and COVER $400.00. For a grand total of $5,310.00. The Outreach Committee is committed to giving to the local community, the state and the world.


which email should I use - stpaulsvt or spcrector – You may use either email to reach me. ‘stpaulsvt’ is a more public email account and can be accessed by people other than me in the parish, and when we have office help they will be checking this account regularly. The ‘spcrector’ account is my personal St. Paul’s account and is monitored only by me.  Hope this helps - Scott


Knit and Purl Fellowship -meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in Parish House, 6:30 pm. All are welcome and all handcrafts are welcome. If you have questions, please contact Holly Hall or Susan Pillsbury.


Contemplative Prayer and Meditation - is a quiet hour of peace to connect with self and with God as you are filled with inner peace and strength for the days ahead. Contemplative Prayer is the 1st and 3rd

 Wednesday of the month, 5:30-6:30. Parishioners, friends, family, neighbors and others are welcome! For more information, please contact Diana Collins or Holly Hall.


Welcome Name Buttons - Currently Paula Stevens and Holly Hall are making the Name Buttons for our parishioners. If you have lost your Button or if you are coming to St. Paul's services and do not have a Button, please let Paula or Holly know and they will make one for you. Please let them know something special you enjoy doing and the image will be part of your Name Button.


Geri Williams’ Mailing address I’ve been asked to include Geri’s address as she continues to recover from her fall at her son Dan’s home. Cards may be sent to: Geri Williams, c/o Dan Williams, 19 Grove Street, Arlington, MA 02476.


Weston PrioryAnyone can attend services at Weston Priory during the week or weekend. Best to check their web page for times of services and days Brothers are on monthly Sabbath or retreat.  Holly Hall will be going once or twice a month through the summer and you are welcome to join her.                                                  


+ + + + +


St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson, Senior Warden; Greg Taylor, Junior Warden; Bev Barton; Jon Chaffee; Cindy Dale; Holly Hall; Rich Kremer; John Monfette.


Ongoing Reminders

  • Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.
  • Laying on of Hands – On the first Sunday of every month those wishing to receive laying on our hands are invited to gather at the Baptismal Font (just as you entered the church) immediately after you have received communion.
  • Wednesday Morning Group Meeting – every Wednesday 9:30-11:00am -- Anyone is welcome to attend.
  • Worship Team meets – 2nd Thursday of the month in the Parish House at 4pm, all are welcome to attend.
  • Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish House at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.
  • Brookside Nursing Home Church Services – We are currently on summer leave - - Second Sunday of each month (Sept-June) from 2-2:30 pm. If you would like more information about this service, please contact Holly.
  • Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! - Fourth Tuesday of every month at 2 PM.
  • Knit and Purl Fellowship – Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the Parish House, 6:30 PM. Contact Holly for info.
  • Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!
  • St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, after church (and a little of coffee hour!), for discussion and planning.  All are welcome to join us!
  • Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.
Source: https://login.mailchimp.com/?logout=1
AuthorSaint Pauls

The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost – August 27, 2017

Proper 16A


Grant, O merciful God, that your Church, being gathered together in unity by your Holy Spirit, may show forth your power among all peoples, to the glory of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (The Collect for Proper 16, BCP)


Readings for Sunday – August 27


Exodus 1:8-2:10
Psalm 124
Romans 12:1-8
Matthew 16:13-20


August 27 – 9:00 - Who’s Who

Greeter – Cindy Cameron; Host – Stew Wood; Readers – Dede Mackie and Dave Davison; Psalm and Prayers- Nancy Snyder; Chalice – Joyce Mechling and Nancy Snyder; Announcements – Cindy Dale; Counters – Dave Davison and Judy Barwood; Altar Guild – Carol Knight, Barb Lather and Colleen Warren; Verger – Holly Hall; Coffee Hour – Jane and Dick Davis and Penny McClure; Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan


Upcoming Events

Please send event and prayer updates to announcements.spc@gmail.com



              August 27 – Concerned about Racial Justice Meeting

              September 5 – Caring Ministries Meeting

              September 10 – Return to regular worship schedule

                                         8 and 10 AM

              September 10 – Welcome Home Sunday

              September 10 – Concerned about Racial Justice Meeting

              September 16 – All Parish Retreat

              November 12 – MICAH Event

Summer Worship Schedule continues September 3 – 7:30 and 9 AM.




Normal Worship Schedule (8 AM and 10 AM) begins on Welcome Back Sunday, September 10.



There is a lot of information contained within this email – There are many additions and updates. Please read these announcements carefully!  Thanks, Scott




Welcome Name Buttons - Currently Paula Stevens and Holly Hall are making the Name Buttons for our parishioners. If you have lost your Button or if you are coming to St. Paul's services and do not have a Button, please let Paula or Holly know and they will make one for you. Please let them know something special you enjoy doing and the image will be part of your Name Button.





Alleluia! Open Golf Tournament - As we approach our 6th Alleluia! Open Golf Tournament on September 9 at the Basin Harbor Club in Vergennes, Vermont, we are grateful for the generosity of so many people and organizations who have made this tournament a huge success.  Thanks to you we have raised over $49,000 for children, those in need, the environment, and educational opportunities for youth and adults around our state and world.  Last year over $11,000 was given thanks to many businesses, parishes, and individuals.

     Every dollar from sponsors and gifts and prizes goes directly to the Alleluia Fund ministries of the Episcopal Church in Vermont.  The gifts support The Rock Point Camp for youth and children, Global and Domestic outreach of many kinds, St. Paul’s Cathedral ministries of arts and education, and the care of our Rock Point property as a sanctuary of natural beauty, renewal, and education for thousands. Additional information about these various ministries can be found on our website at http://www.diovermont.org/alleluia-fund.php .

     This year our goal for the Open is to raise $12,000 to support the overall goal of the Alleluia Fund of $40,000.  Please help us with a monetary gift or raffle items or prizes to help support these ministries in their service and witness.  Also, please join us on September 9 at the Basin Harbor Club for a fun golf outing with great food. To register to play in the Alleluia Open either as a team of four or as an individual who will be paired with others to form a team. http://www.jotformpro.com/71654955609973






August 27 – Choir meeting ­ - immediately follow the 9 AM worship.


August 28 – Bible Study – Our next Bible Study meeting will be August 28 at 7 PM in the Parish House. We will focus on Exodus 3:1-15, Romans 12:9-21 and Matthew 16:21-28. Each of our times together are free standing – no prior experience or attendance is needed. All are welcome! Questions, please speak with Scott.


September 5 – Caring Minstries Meeting – 7 pm in the parish house. If you would like to be part of Caring Ministries, please come to our next meeting September 5th. Our last meeting in 2017 will be November 7th.  All are welcome!


September 10 – Welcome Back Sunday – We will return to our regular worship schedule of 8 and 10. Following the 10 AM we will celebrate our life together with brunch at 9:00. Also, that day we will Bless Backpacks and other items we need to do ministry throughout the week. We will also bless the launch of small groups and/or ministries, both existing and new.  If you have been thinking about a small group you might like to lead, please contact Pam Hanson by Wed. Aug 30. 


September 10 – Brookside Worship resumes - 2-2:30. Worship at Brookside Nursing Home is held on the second Sunday of the Month, 2-2:30pm. Volunteers are invited to come at 1:45 to assist residents to the service.  David Thron plays the piano and supports our hymn singing. We welcome anyone interested in this ministry. More Information - speak with Scott, Cindy Cameron or Holly Hall.


September 10 – Concerned about Racial Justice Meeting in the Parish House following the 10 AM worship. All are invited.


September 16 – All Parish Retreat - Our parish retreat is just around the corner.  Please set aside Saturday, September 16th for a day of fellowship, fun, and renewal.  There is a sign-up sheet for the retreat on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall. For more information, please speak with Bev Barton.


September 18 - Listen Community Dinner (LCD) - Monday, September 18th will be our next Listen Community Dinner. Sign-up sheet will be posted on Parish Hall Bulletin. We will be serving 100-110 meals. Our menu is chicken vegetable casserole with brownies for dessert. We need volunteers to help prepare food and volunteers to help in the Listen Kitchen Sept. 18th, 3-5:45. St. Paul's last community dinner will be November 20th.

If you have questions, please contact Holly Hall.  



Knit and Purl Fellowship -meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in Parish House, 6:30 pm. All are welcome and all handcrafts are welcome. If you have questions, please contact Holly Hall or Susan Pillsbury.


Contemplative Prayer and Meditation - is a quiet hour of peace to connect with self and with God as you are filled with inner peace and strength for the days ahead. Contemplative Prayer is the 1st and 3rd

 Wednesday of the month, 5:30-6:30. Parishioners, friends, family, neighbors and others are welcome! For more information, please contact Diana Collins or Holly Hall.



Weston PrioryAnyone can attend services at Weston Priory during the week or weekend. Best to check their web page for times of services and days Brothers are on monthly Sabbath or retreat.  Holly Hall will be going once or twice a month through the summer and you are welcome to join her.                                                  


+ + + + +


St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson, Senior Warden; Greg Taylor, Junior Warden; Bev Barton; Jon Chaffee; Cindy Dale; Holly Hall; Stuart Johnson; Rich Kremer; John Monfette.



Ongoing Reminders

  • Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.
  • Laying on of Hands – On the first Sunday of every month those wishing to receive laying on our hands are invited to gather at the Baptismal Font (just as you entered the church) immediately after you have received communion.
  • Wednesday Morning Group Meeting – every Wednesday 9:30-11:00am -- Anyone is welcome to attend.
  • Worship Team meets – 2nd Thursday of the month in the Parish House at 4pm, all are welcome to attend.
  • Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish House at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.
  • Brookside Nursing Home Church Services – We are currently on summer leave - - Second Sunday of each month (Sept-June) from 2-2:30 pm. If you would like more information about this service, please contact Holly.
  • Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! - Fourth Tuesday of every month at 2 PM.
  • Knit and Purl Fellowship – Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the Parish House, 6:30 PM. Contact Holly for info.
  • Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!
  • St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, after church (and a little of coffee hour!), for discussion and planning.  All are welcome to join us!
  • Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.
Source: https://login.mailchimp.com/?logout=1
AuthorSaint Pauls

The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost – August 20, 2017

Proper 15A


Almighty God, you have given your only Son to be for us a sacrifice for sin, and also an example of godly life: Give us grace to receive thankfully the fruits of his redeeming work, and to follow daily in the blessed steps of his most holy life; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. (The Collect for Proper 15, BCP)


Readings for Sunday – August 20


Genesis 45:1-15
Psalm 133
Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32
Matthew 15: (10-20), 21-28


August 20 – 9:00 - Who’s Who

Greeter – Barb Coulter; Host – Stew Wood; Readers – Nancy Snyder and Karen Smith; Psalm and Prayers- Marge Brennan; Chalice – Doug Jenisch and Karen Smith; Announcements – Jon Chaffee; Counters – John Monfette and Andrew Murphy; Altar Guild – Carol Knight, Barb Lather and Colleen Warren; Verger – Doug Jenisch; Coffee Hour – The Barwoods; Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan



Upcoming Events

Please send event and prayer updates to announcements.spc@gmail.com



              September 5 – Caring Ministries Meeting

              September 10 – Welcome Home Sunday

              September 10 – Return to regular worship schedule 8 and 10 AM

              September 16 – All Parish Retreat

              November 12 – MICAH Event







Summer Worship Schedule – July 2 – September 3 – 7:30 and 9 AM.




There is a lot of information contained within this email – There are many additions and updates. Please read these announcements carefully!  Thanks, Scott



2017 UVIP Micah Heroes – November 12th - Mark your calendar today -  - St. Paul's is on the process of accepting names to be the Micah Hero from our parish. We are looking for a person who exemplifies living by 'doing justice, loving kindness, walking humbly with God'. There are Micah nomination forms in the Narthax. All nominations need to be handed in to Scott or a Vestry member by August 20th.


Welcome Name Buttons - Currently Paula and Holly are making the Name Buttons for our parishioners. If you have lost your Button or if you are coming to St. Paul's services and do not have a Button, please let Paula or Holly know and they will make one for you. Please let them know something special you enjoy doing and the image will be part of your Name Button.


New Verger List Underway - I will be working on a new verger schedule for the fall in the next few weeks.  If anyone knows if the will be away, would the please let me know ASAP. We are always looking for folks to cover the "ministries" that need to be undertaken to make Sunday morning run smoothly. If you would like to be added or dropped from the list please let me know. Please contact me at dbcpiccolo@gmail.com  --Thanks-  Cindy




Alleluia! Open Golf Tournament - As we approach our 6th Alleluia! Open Golf Tournament on September 9 at the Basin Harbor Club in Vergennes, Vermont, we are grateful for the generosity of so many people and organizations who have made this tournament a huge success.  Thanks to you we have raised over $49,000 for children, those in need, the environment, and educational opportunities for youth and adults around our state and world.  Last year over $11,000 was given thanks to many businesses, parishes, and individuals.


Every dollar from sponsors and gifts and prizes goes directly to the Alleluia Fund ministries of the Episcopal Church in Vermont.  The gifts support The Rock Point Camp for youth and children, Global and Domestic outreach of many kinds, St. Paul’s Cathedral ministries of arts and education, and the care of our Rock Point property as a sanctuary of natural beauty, renewal, and education for thousands. Additional information about these various ministries can be found on our website at http://www.diovermont.org/alleluia-fund.php .


This year our goal for the Open is to raise $12,000 to support the overall goal of the Alleluia Fund of $40,000.  Please help us with a monetary gift or raffle items or prizes to help support these ministries in their service and witness.  Also, please join us on September 9 at the Basin Harbor Club for a fun golf outing with great food. To register to play in the Alleluia Open either as a team of four or as an individual who will be paired with others to form a team. http://www.jotformpro.com/71654955609973





August 22 – Take a Bite out of Hunger - On August 22n St. Paul’s will be participating for a second year in the initiative called Take a Bite Out of Hunger program. We will be making 60 snack bags that will be distributed to needy area families out of the Hartford Middle School. It has been requested that in the bags we have two items for breakfast and two for lunch or dinner, as well as juice boxes and snacks. Below I have listed some ideas for donations that can be dropped off at the church by August 20th, there will be a box in the kitchen for the donations. We will be packing the bags on Tuesday August 22nd nd delivering them on the 24t.


     Items needed:

         40 Cans of tuna fish

         40 cans of easy open soup or stew

         40 boxes of microwaveable macaroni and cheese

         60 small cereal boxes/bowl packs

         60 oatmeal packets

         10 boxes of granola bars

       120 small snack sized goldfish packets

         60- 100%juice, juice boxes  

         60-small shelf stable chocolate milks


This program provided food for over 90 families in our community throughout the entire summer last year. Thank you so much for considering helping once again with a community program that is meeting the needs of our neighbors. St. Paul’s is such a special place, I appreciate all the support for the community outreach! Any questions please feel free to contact me by email or phone. Thank you, Barb Coulter (srccow@aol.com ) or 603-643-1452



August 28 – Bible Study – Our next Bible Study meeting will be August 28 at 7 PM in the Parish House. We will focus on Exodus 3:1-15, Romans 12:9-21 and Matthew 16:21-28. Each of our times together are free standing – no prior experience or attendance is needed. All are welcome!


September 5 – Caring Minstries Meeting – 7 pm in the parish house. If you would like to be part of Caring Ministries, please come to our next meeting September 5th. Our last meeting in 2017 will be November 7th.  All are welcome!


September 10 – Welcome Back Sunday – We will return to our regular worship schedule of 8 and 10. Following the 10 AM we will celebrate our life together with brunch. Also, that day we will Bless Backpacks and other items we need to do ministry throughout the week. We will also bless the launch of small groups and/or ministries, both existing and new.  If you have been thinking about a small group you might like to lead, please contact Pam by Wed. Aug 30. 


September 10 – Brookside Worship resumes - 2-2:30. Everyone is welcome to join in this important ministry to the Brookside Community.


September 16 – All Parish Retreat - Our parish retreat is only a month away.  Please set aside Saturday, September 16th for a day of fellowship, fun, and renewal.  Planners are needed.  Please see Bev Barton ASAP if you want to be part of the planning.


September 18 - Listen Community Dinner (LCD) - Monday, September 18th will be our next Listen Community Dinner. Our menu will be chicken vegetable casserole with brownies for dessert. A sign up sheet will be posted in Parish Hall posted after August 22nd. Volunteers are needed to prepare the food and to work in the kitchen from 3:00-5:45pm on Sept. 18th. If you have questions, please contact Holly. The last Listen Dinner in 2017 will be November 20th.



Knit and Purl Fellowship -meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in Parish House, 6:30 pm. All are welcome and all handcrafts are welcome. 


Contemplative Prayer and Meditation - is a quiet hour of peace to connect with self and with God as you are filled with inner peace and strength for the days ahead. Contemplative Prayer is the 1st and 3rd

 Wednesday of the month, 5:30-6:30. Parishioners, friends, family, neighbors and others are welcome!


Weston PrioryAnyone can attend services at Weston Priory during the week or weekend. Best to check their web page for times of services and days Brothers are on monthly Sabbath or retreat.  Holly will be going once or twice a month through the summer and you are welcome to join her.                                                  


+ + + + +


St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson, Senior Warden; Greg Taylor, Junior Warden; Bev Barton; Jon Chaffee; Cindy Dale; Holly Hall; Stuart Johnson; Rich Kremer; John Monfette.



Ongoing Reminders

  • Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.
  • Laying on of Hands – On the first Sunday of every month those wishing to receive laying on our hands are invited to gather at the Baptismal Font (just as you entered the church) immediately after you have received communion.
  • Wednesday Morning Group Meeting – every Wednesday 9:30-11:00am -- Anyone is welcome to attend.
  • Worship Team meets – 2nd Thursday of the month in the Parish House at 4pm, all are welcome to attend.
  • Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish House at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.
  • Brookside Nursing Home Church Services – We are currently on summer leave - - Second Sunday of each month (Sept-June) from 2-2:30 pm. If you would like more information about this service, please contact Holly.
  • Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! - Fourth Tuesday of every month at 2 PM.
  • Knit and Purl Fellowship – Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the Parish House, 6:30 PM. Contact Holly for info.
  • Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!
  • St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, after church (and a little of coffee hour!), for discussion and planning.  All are welcome to join us!
  • Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.
Source: https://login.mailchimp.com/?logout=1
AuthorSaint Pauls

The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost – July 30, 2017

Proper 12A


O God, the protector of all who trust in you, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy: Increase and multiply upon us your mercy; that, with you as our ruler and guide, we may so pass through things temporal, that we lose not the things eternal; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.  (The Collect for Proper 12, BCP)


Readings for Sunday – July 30


Genesis 29:15-28
Psalm 105:1-11, 45b
Romans 8:26-39
Matthew 13:31-33,44-52


July 30 – 9:00 - Who’s Who

Greeter – Penny McClure; Host – Brennan; Readers – Amy Brown and Barb Coulter; Psalm and Prayers- Karen Smith; Chalice – Joyce Mechling and Nancy Snyder; Announcements – Pam Hanson; Counters – Greg Taylor and Jon Chaffee; Altar Guild – Carol Knight, Barb Lather and Colleen Warren; Verger – Holly Hall; Coffee Hour – Beth Neal; Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan




The Transfiguration of our Lord – August 6, 2017

O God, who on the holy mount revealed to chosen witnesses your well-beloved Son, wonderfully transfigured, in raiment white and glistening: Mercifully grant that we, being delivered from the disquietude of this world, may by faith behold the King in his beauty; who with you, O Father, and you, O Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.  (The Collect for The Transfiguration, BCP)


Readings for Sunday – August 6

Exodus 34:29-35

2 Peter 1:13-21

Luke 9:28-36

Psalm 99 or 99:5-9


August 6 – 9:00 - Who’s Who – The Rt. Rev Stewart Wood, presiding

Greeter – Jane and Dick Davis; Host – Roy Black; Readers – Andrew Pillsbury and Jimichael Ximenes-Engels; Psalm and Prayers- Andrew Pillsbury; Chalice – Kate Conner and Leslie Black; Announcements – Greg Taylor; Counters – ??? and John Monfette; Altar Guild – Carol Knight, Barb Lather and Colleen Warren; Verger – Nancy Snyder; Coffee Hour – Colleen Warren and Mary Corrigan; Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan



The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost – August 13, 2017

Proper 14A

 Grant to us, Lord, we pray, the spirit to think and do always those things that are right, that we, who cannot exist without you, may by you be enabled to live according to your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.   (The Collect for Proper 14, BCP)


Readings for Sunday – August 13

Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28
Psalm 105, 1-6, 16-22, 45b
Romans 10:5-15
Matthew 14:22-33


August 13 – 9:00 - Who’s Who – The Rev Lisa Ransom, presiding

Greeter – Christine Davison; Host – Nancy Snyder; Readers – Pete LePre and Joyce Mechling; Psalm and Prayers – Elizabeth Higgins; Chalice – Pam Hanson and Joan Lawrence-Studebaker ; Announcements – Bev Barton; Counters – ??? and Bev Barton; Altar Guild – Carol Knight, Barb Lather and Colleen Warren; Verger – Leslie Black; Coffee Hour -???; Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan



Upcoming Events

Please send event and prayer updates to announcements.spc@gmail.com

               August 15 – Vestry

              September 10 – Welcome Home Sunday

              September 16 – All Parish Retreat

              November 12 – MICAH Event



Scott’s Schedule – Vacation July 30 following 9 AM worship through August 16


Summer Worship Schedule – July 2 – September 3 – 7:30 and 9 AM.


2017 UVIP Micah Heroes – November 12th - Mark your calendar today -  - In July and August, think of parishioners who exemplify living by doing justice, loving kindness and walk humbly with God. Please submit names in writing to a Vestry member through August. In September, the Vestry will announce St. Paul's Micah Hero/Heroes.  More information will follow in the weeks ahead.


Update on Geri Williams Geri has requested our prayers during her recovery from a fall. She is currently staying with her son Dan in the Boston area. Cards may be sent to: Geri Williams, c/o Dan Williams, 19 Grove Street, Arlington, MA 02476.


Prayers for August 21 - Holly will be away August 14-21. Please contact Paula Stevens with prayer requests either for Prayer Ministry or for the church bulletin.


Welcome Name Buttons - Currently Paula and Holly are making the Name Buttons for our parishioners. If you have lost your Button or if you are coming to St. Paul's services and do not have a Button, please let Paula or Holly know and they will make one for you. Please let them know something special you enjoy doing and the image will be part of your Name Button.



Alleluia! Open Golf Tournament - As we approach our 6th Alleluia! Open Golf Tournament on September 9 at the Basin Harbor Club in Vergennes, Vermont, we are grateful for the generosity of so many people and organizations who have made this tournament a huge success.  Thanks to you we have raised over $49,000 for children, those in need, the environment, and educational opportunities for youth and adults around our state and world.  Last year over $11,000 was given thanks to many businesses, parishes, and individuals.


Every dollar from sponsors and gifts and prizes goes directly to the Alleluia Fund ministries of the Episcopal Church in Vermont.  The gifts support The Rock Point Camp for youth and children, Global and Domestic outreach of many kinds, St. Paul’s Cathedral ministries of arts and education, and the care of our Rock Point property as a sanctuary of natural beauty, renewal, and education for thousands. Additional information about these various ministries can be found on our website at http://www.diovermont.org/alleluia-fund.php .


This year our goal for the Open is to raise $12,000 to support the overall goal of the Alleluia Fund of $40,000.  Please help us with a monetary gift or raffle items or prizes to help support these ministries in their service and witness.  Also, please join us on September 9 at the Basin Harbor Club for a fun golf outing with great food. To register to play in the Alleluia Open either as a team of four or as an individual who will be paired with others to form a team. http://www.jotformpro.com/71654955609973



August 10 – Worship Meeting is Cancelled due to Scott’s vacation.


August 15 – Vestry Meeting – Vestry will meet on August 15 at 6:30 in the Parish House. All are welcome!


August 28 – Bible Study – Due to Scott’s vacation, our next Bible Study meeting will be August 28 at 7 PM in the Parish House.


September 18 - Listen Community Dinner (LCD) - Our next LCD will be September 18th.  I need a volunteer to assist me. Please let me know if you are interested.  A sign up sheet will be posted four weeks prior to 8/18, week of Aug. 28th. The last Listen Dinner in 2017 will be November 20th.


November 7 - Caring Ministries Meeting - Caring Ministries meets every other month on first Tuesday of the month at 7pm in our Parish House. If you would like to be part of Caring Ministries, please come to our next meeting September 5th. Our last meeting in 2017 will be November 7th.  


Knit and Purl Fellowship -meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in Parish House, 6:30 pm. All are welcome and all handcrafts are welcome. 


Contemplative Prayer and Meditation - is a quiet hour of peace to connect with self and with God as you are filled with inner peace and strength for the days ahead. Contemplative Prayer is the 1st and 3rd

 Wednesday of the month, 5:30-6:30. Parishioners, friends, family, neighbors and others are welcome!


Weston PrioryAnyone can attend services at Weston Priory during the week or weekend. Best to check their web page for times of services and days Brothers are on monthly Sabbath or retreat.  Holly will be going once or twice a month through the summer and you are welcome to join her.                                                 


+ + + + +


St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson, Senior Warden; Greg Taylor, Junior Warden; Bev Barton; Jon Chaffee; Cindy Dale; Holly Hall; Stuart Johnson; Rich Kremer; John Monfette.


 Ongoing Reminders

  • Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.
  • Laying on of Hands – On the first Sunday of every month those wishing to receive laying on our hands are invited to gather at the Baptismal Font (just as you entered the church) immediately after you have received communion.
  • Wednesday Morning Group Meeting – every Wednesday 9:30-11:00am -- Anyone is welcome to attend.
  • Worship Team meets – 2nd Thursday of the month in the Parish House at 4pm, all are welcome to attend.
  • Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish House at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.
  • Brookside Nursing Home Church Services – We are currently on summer leave - - Second Sunday of each month (Sept-June) from 2-2:30 pm. If you would like more information about this service, please contact Holly.
  • Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! - Fourth Tuesday of every month at 2 PM.
  • Knit and Purl Fellowship – Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the Parish House, 6:30 PM. Contact Holly for info.
  • Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!
  • St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, after church (and a little of coffee hour!), for discussion and planning.  All are welcome to join us!
  • Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.
Source: https://us8.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/...
AuthorSaint Pauls

The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost – July 23, 2017

Proper 11A


Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom, you know our necessities before we ask and our ignorance in asking: Have compassion on our weakness, and mercifully give us those things which for our unworthiness we dare not, and for our blindness we cannot ask; through the worthiness of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. (The Collect for Proper 11, BCP)


Readings for Sunday


Genesis 28:10-19a
Psalm 139: 1-11, 22-23
Romans 8:12-25
Matthew 13:24-30,36-43

Upcoming Events

Please send event and prayer updates to announcements.spc@gmail.com


              July 24 – Bible Study

              September 10 – Welcome Home Sunday

              September 16 – All Parish Retreat

              November 12 – MICAH Event



July 23 – 9:00 - Who’s Who

Greeter – Holly Hall; Host – David and Christine Davison; Readers – Cindy Cameron and Louise Pietsch; Psalm and Prayers- Bev Barton; Chalice – Doug Jenisch and Karen Smith; Announcements – John Monfette; Counters – Cindy Dale and Pam Hanson; Altar Guild – Carol Knight, Barb Lather and Colleen Warren; Verger – Doug Jenisch; Coffee Hour -Doug Jenisch; Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan



Scott’s Schedule

      July 24 - Office Hours, 9-12

      July 25 - Office Hours, 9-12

      July 28 – Sabbath Day

      July 29 – Sabbath Day

     July 30 following worship - August 2 – brief vacation



Summer Worship Schedule begins this week – July 2 – 7:30 and 9 am.



2017 UVIP Micah Heroes – November 12th - Mark your calendar today -  - In July and August, think of parishioners who exemplify living by doing justice, loving kindness and walk humbly with God. Please submit names in writing to a Vestry member through August. In September, the Vestry will announce St. Paul's Micah Hero/Heroes.  More information will follow in the weeks ahead.



Summer Lunch Thank You! - We had a great week at St. Paul's preparing the summer lunches. We served a total of 150 lunches for the week.  I would like to thank you for all your support.  We had a full kitchen everyday, sharing stories and laughter while we prepared the lunches.  It wouldn't have been possible without all the food and money donations, thank you so much for your generosity.  The lunches were gratefully received each day by the Americorps volunteer and several of the children.  It was a great week and continues to be an important outreach to our community. Barb Coulter


Update from Geri Williams is recovering quite well from her fall. She visited her doctor on Monday and they found that screws had moved slightly. They told her this happens but take it a little easy for the next few days. They will check her shoulder again next Monday. She has requested our prayers during her recovery. Cards may be sent to: Geri Williams, c/o Dan Williams, 19 Grove Street, Arlington, MA 02476.


Update on Bud Cederholm – Bud is happy to report that he is driving and walking with a cane! We are trying to find a date in September/October for him to come to St. Paul’s and preach. Watch for more details.



Alleluia! Open Golf Tournament - As we approach our 6th Alleluia! Open Golf Tournament on September 9 at the Basin Harbor Club in Vergennes, Vermont, we are grateful for the generosity of so many people and organizations who have made this tournament a huge success.  Thanks to you we have raised over $49,000 for children, those in need, the environment, and educational opportunities for youth and adults around our state and world.  Last year over $11,000 was given thanks to many businesses, parishes, and individuals.


Every dollar from sponsors and gifts and prizes goes directly to the AlleluiaFund ministries of the Episcopal Church in Vermont.  The gifts support The Rock Point Camp for youth and children, Global and Domestic outreach of many kinds, St. Paul’s Cathedral ministries of arts and education, and the care of our Rock Point property as a sanctuary of natural beauty, renewal, and education for thousands. Additional information about these various ministries can be found on our website at http://www.diovermont.org/alleluia-fund.php .


This year our goal for the Open is to raise $12,000 to support the overall goal of the AlleluiaFund of $40,000.  Please help us with a monetary gift or raffle items or prizes to help support these ministries in their service and witness.  Also, please join us on September 9 at the Basin Harbor Club for a fun golf outing with great food. To register to play in the Alleluia Open either as a team of four or as an individual who will be paired with others to form a team. http://www.jotformpro.com/71654955609973




July 24 – Bible Study, 7 PM in the Parish House – all are welcome. This is a fun group filled with sharing of personal stories and lots of laughter. We will be focusing on Genesis 29:15-28, Romans 8:26-39, and
Matthew 13:31-33,44-52. Each meeting is a self-contained unit and everyone is welcome!


July 25 – Valley Terrace Worship Service – at 2 PM. Please join Sally and I as we bring communion to the residents of Valley Terrace. We have a great time worshiping, singing and sharing fellowship together. All are welcome! Interested? – speak to Scott


July 30 - Jonathan Brennan - will share his time at the Episcopal Youth Event 2017 in Oklahoma on Sunday, July 30, at the sermon time.




Hartford Dismiss House Block Party - Come celebrate with us! You are invited to Hartford Dismas House's 3rd Annual Block Party and BBQ on Monday, July 24th from 4:30-6:30pm.  Free food thanks to Mascoma Bank, entertainment, raffles of various Upper Valley establishments and more.  PLUS, music provided by DJ MEGA.  RSVP to Renée DePalo: Renee@dismasofvermont.org or on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/events/340074526407041/?active_tab=about or just show up!



Knit and Purl Fellowship -meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in Parish House, 6:30 pm. All are welcome and all handcrafts are welcome. 


Contemplative Prayer and Meditation - is a quiet hour of peace to connect with self and with God as you are  filled with  inner peace and strength for the days ahead. Contemplative Prayer is the 1st and 3rd

 Wednesday of the month, 5:30-6:30. Parishioners, friends, family, neighbors and others are welcome!


Weston PrioryAnyone can attend services at Weston Priory during the week or weekend. Best to check their web page for times of services and days Brothers are on monthly Sabbath or retreat.  Holly will be going once or twice a month through the summer and you are welcome to join her.                                                 


+ + + + +


St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson, Senior Warden; Greg Taylor, Junior Warden; Bev Barton; Jon Chaffee; Cindy Dale; Holly Hall; Stuart Johnson; Rich Kremer; John Monfette.



Ongoing Reminders

  • Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.
  • Laying on of Hands – On the first Sunday of every month those wishing to receive laying on our hands are invited to gather at the Baptismal Font (just as you entered the church) immediately after you have received communion.
  • Wednesday Morning Group Meeting – every Wednesday 9:30-11:00am -- Anyone is welcome to attend.
  • Worship Team meets – 2nd Thursday of the month in the Parish House at 4pm, all are welcome to attend.
  • Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish House at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.
  • Brookside Nursing Home Church Services – We are currently on summer leave - - Second Sunday of each month (Sept-June) from 2-2:30 pm. If you would like more information about this service, please contact Holly.
  • Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! - Fourth Tuesday of every month at 2 PM.
  • Knit and Purl Fellowship – Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the Parish House, 6:30 PM. Contact Holly for info.
  • Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!
  • St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, after church (and a little of coffee hour!), for discussion and planning.  All are welcome to join us!
  • Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.
Source: https://login.mailchimp.com/?logout=1
AuthorSaint Pauls

July 17-23, 2017


Monday, July 17 - William White

           9:00 -12:00 - Office Hours

           3:00 – 6:00 – LISTEN Dinner

           6:30 PM – Knit and Purl Fellowship – parish house


Tuesday, July 18 - Bartolomé de las Casas

           9:00 -12:00 - Office Hours

           6:30 PM – Vestry Meeting – parish house


Wednesday, July 19 - Macrina and Adelaide Teague Case

          9:30-11:00 AM – Wednesday Morning Group meeting – parish house


Thursday, July 20 - Women's Rights


Friday, July 21 - Albert John Luthuli

          Sabbath Day – Scott

          8:30-12:30 – HCRS – Parish Hall


Saturday, July 22 - Mary Magdalene

          Sabbath Day - Scott

          8 AM – Men’s Group


Sunday, July 23 – The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 11A, Track 1

          7:30 AM – Holy Eucharist

          9:00 AM – Holy Eucharist with hymns

                                9:00 - Who’s Who

Greeter – Holly Hall; Host – David and Christine Davison; Readers – Cindy Cameron and Louise Pietsch; Psalm and Prayers- Bev Barton; Chalice – Doug Jenisch and Karen Smith; Announcements – John Monfette; Counters – Cindy Dale and Pam Hanson; Altar Guild – Carol Knight, Barb Lather and Colleen Warren; Verger – Doug Jenish; Coffee Hour -Doug Jenisch; Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan


        10:15 AM – Coffee Hour and Fellowship




Source: https://login.mailchimp.com/?logout=1
AuthorSaint Pauls

The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost – July 16, 2017

Proper 10A


O Lord, mercifully receive the prayers of your people who call upon you, and grant that they may know and understand what things they ought to do, and also may have grace and power faithfully to accomplish them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

 (The Collect for Proper 10, BCP)


Readings for Sunday


Genesis 25:19-34
Psalm 119:105-112
Romans 8:1-11
Matthew 13:1-9,18-23


Upcoming Events

Please send event and prayer updates to announcements.spc@gmail.com



              July 17 - Listen Community Dinners

              July 18 – Vestry Meeting

              July 24 – Bible Study

              September 10 – Welcome Home Sunday

              September 16 – All Parish Retreat

              November 12 – MICAH Event



July 16 – 9:00 - Who’s Who

     Greeter – Cindy Cameron; Host – Stew Wood; Readers – Carl Hanson and Dave Davison; Psalm and Prayers-

     Nancy Snyder; Chalice – Pam Hanson and Joan Lawrence Studebaker; Announcements – Stuart Johnson;

     Counters – Jill Fisher and Pete Lepre; Altar Guild – Carol Knight, Barb Lather and Colleen Warren; Verger –

     Leslie Black; Coffee Hour -TBA;  Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan




Scott’s Schedule
      July 16 – Lisa Ransom presiding and preaching at 7:30 and 9

      July 17 - Office Hours, 9-12 – I’ll be in and out

      July 18 - Office Hours, 9-12

      July 21 – Sabbath Day

      July 22 – Sabbath Day



Summer Worship Schedule begins this week – July 2 – 7:30 and 9 am.


2017 UVIP Micah Heroes – November 12th - Mark your calendar today -  - In July and August, think of parishioners who exemplify living by doing justice, loving kindness and walk humbly with God. Please submit names in writing to a Vestry member through August. In September, the Vestry will announce St. Paul's Micah Hero/Heroes.  More information will follow in the weeks ahead.




JUly 13 – Worship Committee Meeting – 4:00 PM in the Parish House all our welcome.


July 16 – Sunday Worship – Parable of the Sower - The Rev. Lisa Ransom presiding and preaching at 7:30 and 9


July 17 - Listen Community Dinners -  July 17th, we will be serving a meal for 100-110 people. Thank you to those who have already signed up to prepare or buy foods and to Volunteers who have sign up.  Our last two Listen Community Dinners for 2017 are September 18th and November 20th. 


July 18 – Vestry Meeting – 6:30 in the Parish House. The vestry will be reviewing the results of our Quarterly Meeting ‘Honey, we need to talk’ and beginning formulating goals and pathways forward for the coming year. All are welcome!


July 24 – Bible Study, 7 PM in the Parish House – all are welcome. This is a fun group filled with sharing of personal stories and lots of laughter. We will be focusing on Genesis 29:15-28, Romans 8:26-39, and
Matthew 13:31-33,44-52. Each meeting is a self-contained unit and everyone is welcome!


July 27 – Valley Terrace Worship Service – at 2 PM. Please join Sally and I as we bring communion to the residents of Valley Terrace. We have a great time worshiping, singing and sharing fellowship together. All are welcome! Interested? – speak to Scott



Knit and Purl Fellowship -meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in Parish House, 6:30 pm. All are welcome and all handcrafts are welcome. 


Contemplative Prayer and Meditation - is a quiet hour of peace to connect with self and with God as you are  filled with  inner peace and strength for the days ahead. Contemplative Prayer is the 1st and 3rd

 Wednesday of the month, 5:30-6:30. Parishioners, friends, family, neighbors and others are welcome!


Weston PrioryAnyone can attend services at Weston Priory during the week or weekend. Best to check their web page for times of services and days Brothers are on monthly Sabbath or retreat.  Holly will be going once or twice a month through the summer and you are welcome to join her.                                                  


+ + + + +


St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson, Senior Warden; Greg Taylor, Junior Warden; Bev Barton; Jon Chaffee; Cindy Dale; Holly Hall; Stuart Johnson; Rich Kremer; John Monfette.



Ongoing Reminders

  • Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.
  • Laying on of Hands – On the first Sunday of every month those wishing to receive laying on our hands are invited to gather at the Baptismal Font (just as you entered the church) immediately after you have received communion.
  • Wednesday Morning Group Meeting – every Wednesday 9:30-11:00am -- Anyone is welcome to attend.
  • Worship Team meets – 2nd Thursday of the month in the Parish House at 4pm, all are welcome to attend.
  • Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish House at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.
  • Brookside Nursing Home Church Services – We are currently on summer leave - - Second Sunday of each month (Sept-June) from 2-2:30 pm. If you would like more information about this service, please contact Holly.
  • Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! - Fourth Tuesday of every month at 2 PM.
  • Knit and Purl Fellowship – Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the Parish House, 6:30 PM. Contact Holly for info.
  • Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!
  • St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, after church (and a little of coffee hour!), for discussion and planning.  All are welcome to join us!
  • Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.
Source: https://us8.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/...
AuthorSaint Pauls

This Week at St. Paul’s

July 10-16, 2017


Monday, July 10

           9:00 -12:00 - Office Hours

           7:00 PM – Bible Study – Parish House


Tuesday, July 11 - Benedict of Nursia

           9:00 -12:00 - Office Hours


Wednesday, July 12 - Nathan Söderblom

          9:30-11:00 AM – Wednesday Morning Group meeting – Parish House


Thursday, July 13 - Conrad Weiser

          4:00 – 5:30 PM – Worship Meeting – Parish House


Friday, July 14 - Samson Occum

          Sabbath Day – Scott

          8:30-12:30 – HCRS – Parish Hall


Saturday, July 15

          Sabbath Day - Scott

          8 AM – Men’s Group


Sunday, July 16 – The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 10, Track 1

                        Scott and Beth are away – Lisa Ransom will be presiding and preaching

          7:30 AM – Holy Eucharist

          9:00 AM – Holy Eucharist with hymns

                                9:00 - Who’s Who

Greeter – Cindy Cameron; Host – Stew Wood; Readers – Carl Hanson and Dave Davison; Psalm and Prayers- Nancy Snyder; Chalice – Pam Hanson and Joan Lawrence Studebaker; Announcements – Stuart Johnson; Counters – Jill Fisher and Pete Lepre; Altar Guild – Carol Knight, Barb Lather and Colleen Warren; Verger – Leslie Black; Coffee Hour -TBA; Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan


        10:15 AM – Coffee Hour and Fellowship





Source: http://www.lectionarypage.net/YearA_RCL/Pe...
AuthorSaint Pauls

The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost – July 2, 2017

Proper 8A


Almighty God, you have built your Church upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone: Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by their teaching, that we may be made a holy temple acceptable to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

 (The Collect for Proper 8, BCP)


Readings for Sunday


Genesis 22:1-14
Psalm 13
Romans 6:12-23
Matthew 10:40-42

Almighty God, you have built your Church upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone: Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by their teaching, that we may be made a holy temple acceptable to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.



July 2 – 9:00 - Who’s Who

     Greeter – Christine Davison; Host – Nancy Snyder; Readers – Barb Lather and Bev Barton; Psalm and Prayers-

     Elizabeth Higgins; Chalice – Kate Conner and Pam Hanson; Announcements – Cindy Dale; Counters – Harry

     Kendrick and Karen Smith; Altar Guild – Carol Knight, Barb Lather and Colleen Warren; Verger – Doug

     Jenisch; Coffee Hour Elizabeth Higgins; Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan




Scott’s Schedule

      July 1 – Sabbath Day

      July 3-4 – Independence Day – Office Closed





Upcoming Events

Please send event and prayer updates to announcements.spc@gmail.com by Wednesday at noon.


              June 26- 30 – Summer Lunch Program

              July 2 – Summer Service Schedule begins – 7:30 and 9 AM

              July 9 – Quarterly Meeting

              July 11 - Caring Ministries meeting

              July 17 - Listen Community Dinners

              September 10 – Welcome Home Sunday

              September 16 – All Parish Retreat

              November 12 – MICAH Event



Summer Worship Schedule begins this week – July 2 – 7:30 and 9 am.



Parish Discretionary Fund next weekOn Sunday, July 2, the loose offering and any checks marked Discretionary Fund in the memo is given to the Parish Discretionary Fund. This fund is used to help meet the needs of people in our area during difficult times in their lives. The funds are generally used to help with electric bills or car repairs, rent or securing a security deposit for a family. We are finally able to start distributing funds again. The need continues to be extremely high with requests coming in almost every day. Please be as generous as you are able. This is an important ministry of our Parish. Thank you, Scott



 The Prayer of the People used for the next few weeks are Prayers for Water as we ‘travel’ down the Connecticut River with the River Pilgrims.



Update on Bud Cederholm - I heard from Bud Cederholm this week. He is slowly healing, using a walker with PT at home. He is also dying to get out more in garden and nature and drive again. He wishes everyone at St. Paul’s Love and Peace. If you’d like to send a card or note to him, his address is: 67 Cottage Cove, Plymouth, MA. 02360


Micah Heroes - Upper Valley Interfaith Project/UVIP plans an annual afternoon of recognition for a person or people from members of eighteen faith organizations who represent qualities of a Micah Hero who   "acts justly, loves mercy, and walks humbly with your God".  Please begin thinking of St. Paul's parishioners who live these qualities in an exemplary way.  This will be announced during July and August. All recommendations can be given in writing to a Vestry member and a final decision will be made in September by St. Paul's Vestry. The 2017 UVIP Micah Awards Ceremony will be held November 12th at Claremont Senior Center.  Holly will be selling tickets September and October to anyone who plans to attend the event.  More details about purchasing tickets will be explained at a later date. 



July 9 – Parish Quarterly Meeting – The theme of our time together is Honey we need to talk… This is an opportunity to gather as a parish and discuss questions like: Who and what do we appreciate? What can we celebrate? When have we fallen short? What can we improve? Where do we go next? What are our goals for the coming year? Five years? How do we get there? Our discussion will go from about 10:30-12 on Sunday, July 9. Hope to see and hear you there. Scott and the Vestry.


July 10 – Bible Study, 7 PM in the Parish House – all are welcome. This is a fun group filled with sharing of personal stories and lots of laughter. We will be focusing on Genesis 25:19-34, Romans 8:1-11, and Matthew 13:1-9,18-23. Each meeting is a self-contained unit and everyone is welcome!


July 27 – Valley Terrace Worship Service – at 2 PM. Please join Sally and I as we bring communion to the residents of Valley Terrace. We have a great time worshiping, singing and sharing fellowship together. All are welcome! Interested ? – speak to Scott


May 31- July 9 – River of Life: Connecticut River Pilgrimage – The journey continues… For more info: http://kairosearth.org/ Sponsored by Kairos Earth and Dioceses of Province One (New England) of the Episcopal Church.


July 11 – Caring Ministry Meeting meets every other month. Our next meeting is scheduled for July 11th at 7pm in the Parish House.


July 17 - Listen Community Dinners -  Thank you to all who have already signed up to bring food for the Listen Dinner.  We will be serving 100-110 people, seconds and take-home meals. We need volunteers to sign up to make three bean salads, more chicken salads and buy Nestle Fruit Bars for dessert.  One salad serves ten people, and one box of Fruit Bars serves twelve.   The signup sheet with a pen is posted next to Nursery Door.  Judi and Holly will be at Listen Kitchen July 17th at 3pm. Four more volunteers are needed starting at 3:00 or 3:30 and you can put your name on signup sheet.  If Listen Dinners are new to you and you would like to help, please speak with Judi Shank or Holly Hall. St. Paul's last two Listen Dinners for 2017 are September 18th and November 20th, mark your calendars today.  




Knit and Purl Fellowship -meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in Parish House, 6:30 pm. All are welcome and all handcrafts are welcome.  We will soon start to make crafts to sell at Holiday Bazaar. You are welcome to contact Kate Townsend, Holly Hall, Judy Barwood, Susan Pillsbury, or Geri Williams, if you have questions.


Contemplative Prayer and Meditation - is held in our sanctuary 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, 5:30- 6:30. The doors are open to anyone who wants to come or pray and meditate from wherever you are.  This is a time to bring peace into our lives!        


Weston PrioryAnyone can attend services at Weston Priory during the week or weekend. Best to check their web page for times of services and days Brothers are on monthly Sabbath or retreat.  Holly will be going once or twice a month through the summer and you are welcome to join her.                                                  


+ + + + +


St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson, Senior Warden; Greg Taylor, Junior Warden; Bev Barton; Jon Chaffee; Cindy Dale; Holly Hall; Stuart Johnson; Rich Kremer; John Monfette.



Ongoing Reminders

  • Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.
  • Laying on of Hands – On the first Sunday of every month those wishing to receive laying on our hands are invited to gather at the Baptismal Font (just as you entered the church) immediately after you have received communion.
  • Wednesday Morning Group Meeting – every Wednesday 9:30-11:30am all - Anyone is welcome to attend.
  • Worship Team meets – 2nd Thursday of the month in the Church Library at 4pm, all are welcome to attend.
  • Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish House at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.
  • Brookside Nursing Home Church Services – Please join us! – Second Sunday of each month (Sept-June) from 2-2:30 pm. If you would like more information about this service, please contact Holly.
  • Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! - Fourth Tuesday of every month.
  • Knit and Purl Fellowship – Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the Parish House, 6:30 PM. Contact Holly for info.
  • Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!
  • St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, after church (and a little of coffee hour!), for discussion and planning.  All are welcome to join us!
  • Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.
Source: https://us8.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/...
AuthorSaint Pauls

This Week at St. Paul’s

June 12-18, 2017


Monday, June 12

           9 AM-12 PM – Scott’s Office Hours

          7:00 PM – Bible Study – Parish House


Tuesday, June 13 - G K Chesterton

           9 AM-12 PM – Scott’s Office Hours

           3:00 – 5:30 – HCRS After School Program – outside group


Wednesday, June 14  - Basil the Great

          9:30-11:00 AM – Wednesday Morning Group meeting – Parish House

          3:00 – 5:30 – HCRS After School Program – outside group

          6:30 PM – Bargain Bin Review Meeting – Parish House


Thursday, June 15 - Evelyn Underhill


Friday, June 16 - George Berkeley & Joseph Butler

          Wedding preparations and rehearsal in Stowe – Scott


Saturday, June 17

          Wedding preparations and wedding in Stowe - Scott

          8 AM – Men’s Group

          2:00 PM – River Pilgrimage Festivities – Montshire Museum


Sunday, June 18 – The Second Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 6A

          8:00 AM – Holy Eucharist

        10:00 AM – Holy Eucharist with hymns

        11:15 AM – Coffee Hour and Fellowship 

          2:00 PM – River Pilgrimage Festivities – Kilowatt North





Source: https://us8.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/...
AuthorSaint Pauls

The First Sunday after Pentecost – June 11, 2017 - Trinity Sunday

Almighty and everlasting God, you have given to us your servants grace, by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of your divine Majesty to worship the Unity: Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship, and bring us at last to see you in your one and eternal glory, O Father; who with the Son and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (BCP, Collect for First Sunday after Pentecost – June 11, 2017 - Trinity Sunday)



June 11 – 10:00 - Who’s Who

Greeter – Holly Hall; Host – Davison’s; Bev Barton; Chalice –  Leslie Black and Pam Hanson; Announcements – Greg Taylor; Counters – Kathy Detzer and Bev Barton; Altar Guild – Barb Coulter and Barb Lather; Verger – Nancy Snyder; Coffee Hour – Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan


Scott’s Schedule
      June 12 - Office Hours, 9-12

      June 13 - Office Hours, 9-12

      June 16 – Sabbath Day

      June 17 – Wedding of Cindy and Bruce’s in Stowe








Upcoming Events

Please send event and prayer updates to announcements.spc@gmail.com

              June 18 – The Rt. Rev. Bud Cedarholm is preaching as part of the

                                River of Life: River Pilgrimage

              June 17 and 18 – River of Life: Connecticut River Pilgrimage

              June 21 – Small Group Resource meeting – Note change of date

              July 9 – Quarterly Meeting


JUNE 26-30 - - SAVE THE DATE: Summer Lunch Program   June 26th -30th More information to follow!

The Prayer of the People used for the next few weeks are Prayers for Water as we ‘travel’ down the Connecticut River with the River Pilgrims.

The Upper Valley Haven Food Shelf needs your help – Thanks for your generosity last week! The Top 5 needs at the Haven Food Shelf this week are rice, canned veggies, tuna, can openers, and pasta. 


New Verger Schedule is out. A couple of printed copies are on the narthex ‘table’.


A Card Shower for Dorothy Pillsbury - Send words of encouragement and support to Dorothy as she heals from a leg fracture. At this time, the family has requested that we don’t visit Dorothy, but send her cards.

Dorothy Pillsbury
Cedar Hill Rehabilitation
Room 6
49 Cedar Hill Dr.
Windsor, VT 05089


June 11 – Cayla Dyer and Rod Wendt from United Valley Interfaith Project (UVIP) will be preaching.

June 11 - Brookside Serviceour next service will be June 11th, 2-2:30. This is our last visit for until September. Scott, Cindy and Holly welcome anyone who would like to join in.  We will continue Brookside services second Sunday of the month September- June.

June 12 – Bible Study, 7 PM in the Parish House – all are welcome. We will be focusing on Exodus 19:2-8a,
Romans 5:1-8, and Matthew 9:35-10:8(9-23) . Each meeting is a self-contained unit – all are welcome.

June 18 – 8 and 10 AM – The Rt. Rev. Bud Cedarholm will be our preacher and guest musician. This is one of the activities of The River of Life Pilgrimage.

June 17 and 18 - River of Life Pilgrimage in White River – Save the dates for fun and educational events near and on the river June 17 and 18. For complete details for activities go to June 17 or June 18. Also, see the bulletin insert for details. Free tickets are available for the Montshire Museum events on Saturday (including Willem Lange) (if you have a Montshire membership please use that instead of the free tickets). On Sunday that are limited spaces for a 45 minutes session with LL Bean, water safety and time on the river. Tickets for this event are $10.00 each. There are sign-up sheets for both events.

June 21 – Small Group Resource meeting – Interested in small groups, convening a small group or just want to check them out, come to the resource and idea meeting on June 21, 6:30 – 8:00 PM. This will be time of sharing and exploration.

May 31- July 9 – River of Life: Connecticut River Pilgrimage - …join us for a day, several days, a week, or the entire journey!  Rejoice in and give thanks for the miracle of all life that is made possible by the grace of God through water. Come on a spiritual journey of renewal, restoration, and reconciliation, shaped by the Christian tradition around a series of activities along the Connecticut River, from the Source to the Sea. For more info: http://kairosearth.org/ Sponsored by Kairos Earth and Dioceses of Province One (New England) of the Episcopal Church.

July 11 – Caring Ministry Meeting meets every other month. Our next meeting is scheduled for July 11th at 7pm in the Parish House.


July 17 - Listen Community Dinners - July 17th, will be our next Listen Community Dinner. We are looking for two people or a family to plan and organize the meal and Holly will assist if needed.  If you are interested and will be around the third weekend of July, please let Holly know. We need people to prepare a main course and a dessert for 100-120 people. We will also need six to eight volunteers to help in the kitchen July 17, 3:00-5:45. Our last two Listen Community Dinners for 2017 are September 18th and November 20th.

Knit and Purl Fellowship -meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in Parish House, 6:30 pm. All are welcome and all handcrafts are welcome.  We will soon start to make crafts to sell at Holiday Bazaar. You are welcome to contact Kate Townsend, Holly Hall, Judy Barwood, Susan Pillsbury, or Geri Williams, if you have questions.

Contemplative Prayer and Meditation - is held in our sanctuary 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, 5:30- 6:30. The doors are open to anyone who wants to come or pray and meditate from wherever you are.  This is a time to bring peace into our lives!        

Weston PrioryAnyone can attend services at Weston Priory during the week or weekend. Best to check their web page for times of services and days Brothers are on monthly Sabbath or retreat.  Holly will be going once or twice a month through the summer and you are welcome to join her.                                                 

+ + + + +

St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson, Senior Warden; Greg Taylor, Junior Warden; Bev Barton; Jon Chaffee; Cindy Dale; Holly Hall; Stuart Johnson; Rich Kremer; John Monfette.


Ongoing Reminders

  • Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.
  • Laying on of Hands – On the first Sunday of every month those wishing to receive laying on our hands are invited to gather at the Baptismal Font (just as you entered the church) immediately after you have received communion.
  • Wednesday Morning Group Meeting – every Wednesday 9:30-11:30am
  • Worship Team meets – 2nd Thursday of the month in the Church Library at 4pm, all are welcome to attend.
  • Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish House at6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.
  • Brookside Nursing Home Church Services – Please join us! – Second Sunday of each month (Sept-June) from 2-2:30 pm. If you would like more information about this service, please contact Holly.
  • Knit and Purl Fellowship – Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the Parish House, 6:30 PM. Contact Holly for info.
  • Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!
  • St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, after church (and a little of coffee hour!), for discussion and planning.  All are welcome to join us!
  • Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.
Source: https://us8.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/...
AuthorSaint Pauls